Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I feel ridiculously thin in my girdle...

So here we are, a whole week after Jordan was born. Things around here are hectic on a moment to moment basis and I thank my lucky stars that Man Child is home to help me around the house and with Miss Cayley. My little girl is not adjusting as well as I hoped she would to having a baby brother. It breaks my heart to see her crawling around crying because that is the only way she can express herself. She is pulling hair (mine since I am the only one with any long enough to pull), throwing tantrums, hitting... She does try to kiss her baby brother on occasion, but more often than not she tries to yank his blanket off of him or hit him anywhere that she can reach. I am starting to feel really worried about being home on my own next week and that alone does nothing to help me battle the baby blues I think I am experiencing.

So I pulled and tugged and fought my way into a girdle to day and felt fabulous when my $7.00 Target jeans buttoned snug as a glove. Not tight, not loose... Just right. Yeah, I know that since I was wearing a girdle my jean conquering does not really count (not to mention that they are one size bigger than my pre pregnancy jeans so shhhhh...) but jeez... Not having a human being in my body is feeling pretty good right now. You hear that uterus? Do me a favor and take a couple of years off! Omg, and my boob is huge! Yeah, you read that right. My ONE boob is ginormous. I guess there is no hope for the little one short of a [single] breast enhancement, lol.

Jordan is doing fabulously with his nursing and is steadily gaining back the weight that he lost in the time we were in the hospital(close to a pound! :( ) Oh and have I mentioned that I only lost Jordan's weight during my hospital stay? WTF is that? Just over 7 lbs! That just ain't right. He is so tiny compared to Cayley at her birth. I swear his head is half the size hers was. And he is sooooo skinny! Of course my doctor thinks I am crazy because Jordan's birth weight of 7lbs, 13 oz is "normal" and Miss Cayley's 9 lb birth weight was not...

So now I will just ramble on a bit because the video I am trying to upload is taking forever!

Ummm... I guess I could go check on the kids... brb.

I think Jordan sensed my boob walk into the room, because now he is requesting to be fed. Hopefully the video will be uploaded when I get back out here.

Ok, screw the video for now, I'll leave some pics...

Monday, July 13, 2009

1 am Monday morning...

I can't believe it has been so long since I've posted a blog! It seems like ever since I have stopped working, I just can't find the time... Quite ironic really... :)

Well, where do I start?

I officially stopped working on 6/30 but hadn't stepped a foot in the office since 6/23. I guess there was a small part of me that hoped I would miss working, not that I myself understand why, but really, I haven't! I mean, I'm not saying that I have been sleeping in and lounging around in my pajamas while Miss Cayley runs around half clothed (ok, so I'm lying about the pajamas and Miss Cayley does run around the house in her diaper...) but I am finding that being a SAHM is so demanding! I really never thought that it wouldn't be, but I feel like I expect more from myself now. Like I have to be on top of everything all the time since I am home a lot more than I used to be.

Well, let me introduce you to my little monster named Cayley...

Like that crying face? I am struggling to figure out just why my child has this face as often as she does. And I am trying to find the balance of entertaining a ten month old, getting dinner done, and keeping the laundry to a minimum of a small mountain. How can I not ignore the laundry and let the rice on the stove burn when my baby wants me to play with her? I understand that it is quite possible that I am trying to make up for lost time before NBS arrives. I want to hold her and kiss her and make her giggle as much as I can before she no longer has ALL of my attention.

Cayley really is a trip. She makes me laugh all the time. For example, the other day Man Child and I were talking and all of a sudden my vacuum takes a tumble. And there goes Cayley scurrying off in the other direction like someone lite a fire under her behind. Then she looks back at us and it looked like she actually sized us up and when Man Child asked her "what did you do?" she started crying like she was in trouble. It was so funny! Or the other day I went to Sears to pick up her 9 month portraits and low and behold there was a clearance sale that I couldn't pass up. Cayley is quickly outgrowing her 12 month old clothes and her new cloth diapers add a certain amount of bulkiness to her backside, so this sale came at the exact right moment! Anyway... I went a little crazy picking out all these cute little outfits and went over to sit in the bed department to add up the cost and figure out what we were actually going to take home with us. Well, I came down to these two outfits and couldn't decide on the jumper or the dress, so I asked Miss Cayley her opinion. She took one outfits hanger and put it in her mouth. Then she took the hanger to the other outfit and put it in her mouth. Then from her spot in my lap, turned around and gave me a kiss on my cheek. So, yeah, I went about seven dollars over budget because of that kiss, and I suspect that this child is only going to get more and more expensive, but wow. I can not explain the way I felt in that moment other than to say that I am kinda proud/scared that my daughter has mastered the art of manipulation at such an early age. It is totally to be expected when it comes to Man Child, but for me to be won over by a single kiss on the cheek... This kid has talent...

I recently had to reinstall the operating system on my computer, so I do not have many photos to share at this time, but here are a few...

Here are the outfits that we got at Sears for about 57.00!

14.99 for these sneakers at Sears!

Hey Mom, I'm down here!

Come on slow poke! We've got places to be!

Making cake! Ok, well, enjoying the fruits of my moms labor anyway...

Man... She took the bowl... If I wasn't so tired I would throw a fit...

Mom says I need to start earning my keep so I figured I'd tackle that pile of laundry... (go figure... it is mostly my Daddys stuff...)

Just catching a minute of Yo Gabba Gabba...

Well, I'll have to upload my other pictures for a later post.

NBS is doing fabulously. We have set a date for his arrival and it is a week from tomorrow unless he decides to show himself earlier! Also, yesterday Man Child threw me a curve ball... He says "Hey, what do you think of the name Jonathan?" "Uhhh... Well, I don't hate it, why?", I responded... And then he says, "Do you like it better than Jordan?" COME ON NOW MAN CHILD!?!?!?! Seriously? Ugh! I guess someone is not as set on Jordan as he thought he was...

Man Child is still the same as always... He surprises me every once in a while with a kind word, or with a kiss as he passes me in the kitchen, and that is all I can really ask for. We (meaning he) seem to be keeping the communication flowing and that is helping us a great deal. I think what I appreciate the most is the support he has shown in the past few months about making the decision to stay home and to cloth diaper. He's come home from work and has helped me clean up the aftermath of Cayleys wrath... He has eaten my experimental dinners... He's called me to tell me that I don't have to worry about dinner, that he is bringing my favorite dish home from his job. Married life is good at the moment...

It is late (1:36 am) and I have so much more I want to write about, but I really must put myself to bed. Cayley will be up in a few hours expecting me to be as bright eyed and bushy tailed as she... I know I can't fake that type of enthusiasm with less than five hours of sleep, so... I'm off. Hopefully her and I will hit the beach in the morning so Man Child can catch up on his sleep with out having to hear Cayley beating on the door calling for her Dada...