Friday, May 20, 2011

A song for Lee Lee

Last night Lee Lee wanted to snuggle before bedtime. I was rocking her and singing our own special lullaby to her over and over again until she finally had enough and told me she was ready for sleep.
"Good night Lee Lee, Good night Lee Lee, Good Night Lee Lee, It's time to go to bed. Mama loves you, Dada loves you, Brother Monkey loves you too!"
Sitting there rocking her brought back this memory of the first time I rocked her. I was still pregnant and I was listening to this song and I was so consumed with emotion, that all I could do was sit there and cry and rock my unborn daughter.
I love you Lee Lee. I did from the moment I knew you were conceived and will until the day that I am no longer on the earth able to rock you.

(BTW, I am not fond of the video they put to the lyrics, but this is the best quality sound that I could find!)


asshlie cordes faggioli browne fernades said...

=)For cuteness! LOL I LOve your blog. Ima have to stalk it. I started a food/craft blog a while back and I love following others fun food blogs =) MAybe we can be good friend's afterawhlie

georgi said...

You have a beautiful blog and I enjoyed the song very much. Thank-you for sharing!