Today is also Man Childs and my six year anniversary! Ah! Parts of me can not believe we have made it six years... Well anyway, here's to many more!

Cayley is doing fabulously. She has recently mastered the skill of climbing up onto the kitchen chairs, which has in turn allowed her to climb on the table... This is a pic of the first time she did it, as I feel I must chronicle these things, lol. I was in the proccess of putting some water away and I turn around and this is what I found:

From climbing on things, to running around the playground like a maniac, Miss Cayley is growing and becoming more adventurous by the moment. She also loves to play with Monkey.
As for Monkey... Can you believe that he is rolling over now? *cry* He is also scooting himself around pretty well. There is no more leaving him on the bed while I am not in there... He smiles and laughs at Miss Cayley and Pita and tries to steal Miss Cayleys bottle in the mornings while we lay in bed and watch Blues Clues. He loves the exersaucer snd is obsessed with the apple toy on it. when it falls off he goes crazy untill we put it back on.