Monday, January 26, 2009

Yoplait yogurt is delicious!

This is my favorite yogurt, hands down. While shopping yesterday I noticed that it was on sale. (the only time I buy it) Great! Right? Wrong... Oh so wrong... They have new flavors. Good stuff like Cherry Cobbler and Cinnamon Bun... There were others too, but right now I am eating the Cherry Cobbler, and OMG it is so good. So so good.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

52 weeks of a moms busy life 1/19/09-1/25/09

Week 1

January 25, 2009
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So, I had all intentions of starting this challenge yesterday, but then things happened that had me distracted from the computer... I guess that's life, right?

This past week has been quite for the most part. Man child was sick, so my "wife" hat got put on the shelf and the "mommy" hat replaced it. Man Child is such a pansy when he is sick; to the point that my compassion turns into irritation. After spending the majority of the week telling him that he needed to start taking medication and he telling me all he needed was Echinacea and some sort of Mexican tea, it was evident on Saturday that he had withered away into a sniffling, raspy throat, feverish lump of man. So of course now he wants the white peoples medicine. The saddest part is the he never learns. Five years now we’ve been going through this. White peoples medicine works! *sigh*
Cayley has now learned how to get herself over her Boppy pillow. I layed her tummy down with her toys all around her and I look back at her a couple of minutes later and she is on the other side of the pillow! In a very awkward position mind you. She however did not fuss about it at all. I decided to put her back on the pillow and watch her, and I got pictures of her in action.







It was hilarious to watch. And she was not too quiet about it either, grunting and shrieking until she got her ass over the pillow. I really should have taken the video. If she realized that she could move arms, I am sure she would have taken off crawling. From the way it looked to me, she was trying to get to Pita who was watching her, ready to run if by chance Cayley got too close to her. They are getting along really well, but Man Child likes to get them better acquainted, and usually Cayley ends up with a handful of hair and Pita sits there begging with her eyes for help.



Pita can hold her own though. I found some of Cayleys socks and a couple of her toys in the makeshift cave Pita made under our end table.

I had my first trimester screening for NBS this past week. The ultrasound was perfect. It was such a relief to see NBS, since I opted not to rent the Doppler that I rented when I was pregnant with Cayley. NBS was just as stubborn as I expected when Randy (u/s tech) was trying to get the measurements she needed. NBS had the hiccups the whole ultrasound.

Ooooh... I read ALL of the Twilight books. I finished the 4th one yesterday morning. OMG, such a great series. I would recommend it to anyone. I cried, laughed, got angry... Like I said, really good series. Go get them from somewhere. You'll be hooked. I read all four books in a little over 7 days. Any recommendations for something else that I can read?

So other than having to play mommy to Man Child, my week was pretty good! I did not have to cook too often, but when I did cook I made chicken stew, chicken soup, and then last night I made spaghetti and meat sauce. I was not trying to make meatballs of all of the guys. I did do some grocery shopping and let me tell you, it is getting harder and harder to feed 6 people on the money we have left over from bills. I did splurge a bit, and got some nacho cheese and chocolate chip cookies (not as good together as I imagined, but still good enough to eat. All yours Afton. : ) ). I got some pretty good deals, but we will be eating a lot of chicken again. I don’t think anyone minds really, since there are so many ways you can prepare chicken. I could really go for a nice New York Strip right now though… I am sure Man Child could too!
Last thought… I am sure that whatever Man Child had, he has passed on to me… I will not give you the details, but last night was very unpleasant for me and my bathroom sink. (Where was Man Child when I was getting sick you ask? Passed out on Tylenol Cold PM. Still milking it….) I still feel nauseous today, but so far breakfast has stayed down. I’ll be tempting fate soon enough with lunch…

Here are some pictures to round out this weeks post…. Have a great week all!!

Cayley and Irving

Cayley and her first tortilla...

Man Child and "his angel"

This morning getting ready for the babysitter



Saturday, January 24, 2009

Eggs and toast.

Four words. Yummy in my tummy. Oh, and chocolate milk. That makes it even better. :) I think what i love the most is that it takes only one pan, one fork, one cup and one plate. Dishes are a breeze on Saturday mornings. When I can sit in front of the TV and catch up on the TV shows that life caused me to abandon during the week... Buttered toast and over medium eggs. Chocolate milk. Yum. Lazy Saturday mornings, before I rush to start the laundry or Cayley calls for me from her crib. Bite, chew, and swallow. Enjoy every moment.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Testing, Testing... 52 weeks of a moms busy life...

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Wanted to see if this works... Post to come on Sunday...

ETA: K, it's working! Thank you very much Ellie! I love it!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I really have been working today...

Today's Horoscope:

Everyone probably sees you as more serious than you really are today. The truth is that you are ready for the weekend now, even though you are supposed to wait until it actually arrives. Nevertheless, you are a bit stir-crazy and if someone else is ready to cut loose, you might just join him or her. Fortunately, you should be able to get away with having some fun, even before your workweek ends.
Rick Levine
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ha Ha. No shit... I have been ready for the weekend since Monday.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank you Mr. President

I am not claiming any of the photos in THIS POST to be of my ownership. I copied them to my computer from the following site:,29307,1872698,00.html
(thank you


Dear Mr. President,

I am but one American who emigrated to this country along side a mother who had high hopes for what this country would be able to offer her children. One daughter that has seen the struggles of a parent trying to squeeze a dollar out of a dime in order to pay the rent and keep her children fed. One who has been embarrassed to call myself an "American" on more than one occasion due to the actions of my people. One who has seen the justice system crumble underneath the influence of political standing and power of ones bank account.

Today as I listened to your Inauguration speech, I felt my heart swell with hope. Hope that change is coming,the change you have often said your presidency would bring. You alone being sworn in as our 44th president is a change in itself. Not only because of your race, but because all races in America came together, forgetting their differences, to elect you. Young and old, black and white, we were standing in line at the polls back in November with a purpose. I am proud to say that I voted for you. That this is the first year of my life that I actually felt that I needed to vote. That my voice did matter. And I thank you for that. It was your enthusiasm and your sincerity that convinced me that you were the best suited to lead this country. You are a real person, you've been involved in the communities that suffer, your ideas are realistic. For the first time in forever I am optimistic for the future instead of wallowing in the daily struggles that we face. Hope is a powerful emotion!


I am but one person in the sea of millions that has faith in you Mr. President. I have faith that my children will see a better America. Better schools, better government, cleaner air. I hope for an end to poverty, come the time that my children are old enough to wonder why there is a man sleeping under the bridge, and I hope for my children to be able to see a cure for cancer, AIDS, and other fatal illnesses.

I am PROUD to be an American today Mr. President. So please, get to work and start implementing the change that we need. And thank you Sir, for I never thought I would be hopeful for our country.

Obama Believer

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weekends end to quickly!

Wow, here we are, another monday. It never ceases to amaze me, just how fast the weekends pass. I leave work friday night, then the next thing I know, I am waking up monday morning. Ok, so maybe that is a bit exagerated... But that is certianly how it feels to me.
Nothing special happened this weekend really... I started reading "Twilight" on friday evening and finished it last night around 10:30 pm. That book was damn good! I will be starting book two, "New Moon" later today. I told Man Child that he needed to give me tonight off, so hopefully he will keep his word. Only time will tell on that one. I made chicken soup on Saturday morning/afternoon and we had it for dinner on saturday and again for lunch on sunday. I was sad to see the pot empty. My chicken soup is the bomb. (Really, it is.) The christmas tree came down on sunday and Man Child spent the day cleaning the kitchen cabinets. I took care of Cayley and did laundry and cleaned our bedroom. Like I said, nothing special...
I missed Desperate Housewives last night thanks to my new reading obbsession... I'll have to catch it online sometime this week.
Poor Pita is out of food again... I have no idea how I manage to hit up three different stores on saturday morning and forget dog food at all three of the stores. Needless to say, Pita loves her some people food, and got to eat chicken soup and rice with us all weekend, and eggs this morning for breakfast. I really do have to remember to stop at the store tonight on my way home though... Poor Pita.
Cayley was a riot this weekend. She must be going through a growth spurt because she woke up numerous times during the nights only to fuss untill she got a bottle. She was very restless when she finally fell asleep, and she was a bit of a wild child while she was up. Here are a few pictures from this weekend.

Going through the sunday coupons:


Watching Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends on Noggin:


Playing in her exersaucer and tring to eat MR. Penguin:


And these are from Saturday evening. I asked Man Child to change Cayley's diaper while I was assembeling the soup bowls and what not, and this is how she returned to the kitchen...


All in all, the weekend was a good one. (and I just realized going through my weekend pictures that my Christmas stockings are sill up... Oops...)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Work, doctors, and home.

I brought Cayley to work with me for about an hour today. She had a doctors appointment at 9:15, so it was pointless to bring her to the babysitter or even stay home from work this morning since I had to be up to go to Irving's school to talk to his teacher. We made it in the building without any incidents, and the hour passed quickly.

We arrived to her doctors office on time(YAY!!) and there were already 8 babies there. I was talking to another mother who was there for her son's 4 month appointment. He was seriously half the size of Cayley!! Here are some pictures from the office.

She loved the paper on the table. She ripped it to shreds. Then at the end when she started getting fussy I grabbed her a cherry Dum-Dum. If I had more arms I would have taken pictures of her trying to swallow the lollipop and drooling all over herself. It was great. She did fine with the shots, only cried for a couple of minutes, and then we were off to the babysitter so that I could go back to work.
I just got a call from Man Child saying that he will; probably not be getting home until after six o'clock. That sucks. I have gotten spoiled. Coming home from work to find that dinner is already cooked or being cooked is wonderfull. All in all, he and are doing very well. I thought I would be bashing him on here already, but he has not given me one reason to. *sigh* I guess I should talk good about him when he deserves it...
Tonight Grey's, Ugly Betty, and private Practice is on! I hear that Bones is on too, but I think it is a repeat. Maybe I can catch a bath before my shows start...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

12 weeks in!

So, here I am, 3 months into this pregnancy! It feels like just a few weeks ago that I found out I was pregnant again! 6 more months to go! I am super anxious to find out the gender. I am hoping to find out as soon as possible and not have to wait as long as Cayley made us wait.
I realized last night as I watched Cayley mastering the new skill of holding her own bottle and "playing with her food", that she is growing up so fast! She is already acting pretty
independant. Soon she is gonna tell me that she is too old to be hugging me in public.

She yells when she wants your attention, throws a fit if she is not happy with the attention your giving her, SCREAMS when she is hungry (like we never feed her) and laughs like crazy when Man Child blows rasberries into her fat roll. She also sticks out her hand when you are eating like she wants to take it from you and tries to grab anything she can get her hands near! She hates wearing socks, sitting in her car seat, laying down when she is awake... She loves Pita, eating food, and bathtime. It seems like it was just yesterday that she spent her days in Mommys arms and didn't complain about it. I am happy to see her progressing, but I am sad at the same time.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Moday, Monday...

Yeah, so it's Monday. Another one. This past weekend just passed too quickly. It was a great weekend so maybe that is why I am so sad to see that it is already gone.

Man Child, Cayley, Baby 09, our new addition Irving, and I went out to breakfast yesterday. I had eggs, toast, a sausage link, a piece of bacon and a bit of Man Childs home fries. Cayley slept the whole time we were there. After breakfast we went to a uniform store to buy Irving some school uniforms. 2 shirts, 2 shorts, a belt and we ended up buying him socks, a sweater, 2 outfits (to go "out") and 2 pair of sneakers at Ross. Then we stopped at the dollar store to buy some napkins, hand soap, and toilet cleaner. Oh- and I found the ALLI book there! For a dollar!! I also picked up some multiplication flash cards and a grammar workbook.

Well, we decided that we did not really want to spend the day at home, so we trekked to the mall. There were lots of great sales on winter apparel, so Cayley got some pants and long sleeve onesies for out trip to the west coast in March/April. Man Child bought Cayley a pair of Sketchers. They are cute as hell, but wasteful in my opinion. I made him buy them in a size 3 so maybe they will fit her longer than a month. It was a really nice day. The mall was not super crazy and Irving was as well behaved as an 8 year old can be on their second trip to the mall...

I was exhausted by time we got home at 8, as were the rest of the family. Cayley slept from 7:30 last night until 7am when I woke her up this morning. I fell asleep shortly after Desperate Housewives ended.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just another day.

Todays Horoscope:
Solid progress can be yours today as long as you don't try to get too much accomplished too quickly. Working faster can introduce problems that will come back later and haunt you. Even if others are in a hurry, take your time and do things right from the start. Laying a solid foundation is more crucial now than finishing the entire job.

Hmmm... Considering that I have a huge pile of work on my desk, I better take todays horoscope seriously. Our company is changing computer systems, and with all change come bugs and kinks... So, I shall take my time and double check my work to ensure accuracy. Like a good worker bee...