Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 5?!?!?!?

Do I have commitment issues? Apparently so. This is the second week that I did not have my Busy Moms entry up on time. Well, at all really… I am sorry everyone. I am going to do better!
This past week:
Man Child has been acting like a yoyo… Super sweet and romantic one moment and the next moment he’s a friken jackass… I don’t know what his problem is but he better get over what ever it is.
Cayley cut her first tooth and had her 6 month appointme(waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!) and pictures done. She also had an InfantSee exam, and I highly recommend that everyone with a child under 1 year old participate in this FREE service. Just visit to find an optometrist in your area that participates. Just remember : IT IS FREE!!!! This eye doctor saw that Cayley has an Astigmatism in both of her eyes (just like Man Child). We need to bring her back around three years old to re-evaluate. I started her on solid foods with meat this weekend as well. She does not like Chicken and Rice but tolerates the Turkey and Rice. I am excited to feed her the Mac ‘n’ Cheese baby food… Lord knows she lived on mac ‘n’ cheese while in the womb! She is sitting up without wobbeling or falling over, and she is trying REALLY hard to crawl. I estimate that within the next two weeks I will have a crawler. I also think that she is starting this separation anxiety business. I will give it a few more days to be sure though.
My brother arrived last night from NY and he will be here for a week. I haven’t seen him in years and years, and he is super funny, so this is going to be a great week!!
I am still trying to figure out Cayley’s new car seat. Now I can not find the owners manual so it is still sitting in my van and is starting to accumulate toys and clothing… At least my van is working. Thank you higher powers!!
Work is picking up so I have less time to mess around online and my days are passing by very quickly. I would like to get into some kind of Saturday morning mommy/baby activity, so I am going to be working on that.
Oh- NBS is about the length of a Bell Pepper! Time is flying! I did the blood work for the second part of the First Trimester screening and the results should be sent to my OB next week. Then I have an ultrasound in March.
I guess that is it for now.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First 5 People to Respond

(Ellie made me do it) :)

First 5 people to respond
Here We Go!!! The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It'll be done this year. {might be a little while}
4. You have no clue what it's going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or maybe even some creation I haven't even invented yet. I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

The catch?

Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!* * *Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!* * *
What do you think?
Posted by Ellie @ 5:55 PM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

For your viewing pleasure

Pita in the shirt that April sent in the package of goodies!


The lotion that is keeping me sane.


(totally cuter than a picture of me scratching my ass)

(thanks again April for the lotion reccomendation!!)

Instead of Cayleys sneakers, Man Child hung one of her headbands on his rearview mirror.


I *heart* Ming Ming


Here are some pics of my Cayley over the past couple of weeks...

Poor baby with pink eye : (


Daddy thinks she sleeps better when she has the shirt he wore that day with her...


Time to pack up the swing...


Cranky teething baby is smiley when given pizza crust...


LMAO such a clown...


We got dressed and packed for the beach, but when we got there parking was full with long waiting lines. We went to the park instead.






So, I missed week 4 of the blog challenge.
I’ll do better next week.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I had my monthly OB appointment this morning. 16 weeks, 2days. I am up two pounds this month putting me at a total of 10 pounds gained. :O (when I left I realized that the car keys were in my pocket. I am sure that add a pound) They told me to pee in a cup, so I went into the bathroom and pee'd, but forgot to grab a cup. (LMAO ,this is not the first time.) Two nurses tried to find NBS's heartbeat, but finally my doctor came in and literally in two seconds she found the heartbeat. 153. They told her they couldn't find the heartbeat and she ran in the room in a panic. She saw me and I swear it looked like she was ready to cry. She thought I was another patient that was there this morning who is 35 weeks along. She was freaking out. We talked for awhile and she gave me a script to get some bloodwork done to check my Bile Acids. I have been itching for the past 5 days and she said it could be normal, but we need to check my liver function just in case since I have no rash. (thanks again April for the Sarna recomendation! It really takes the edge off!) I have an appointment on 3/12, and records show that I was there last year on 3/11/08 for my pregnancy with Cayley. :) Oh yeah! The second part of my First Trimester Screening is next friday. (while I am well into the second trimester. Go figure!)

As for Cayley... She woke up on Tuesday with crusty red eyes. She started drops for pink eye that night and she woke up looking considerably better on Wednesday. She needs the drops three times a day in both eyes until Sunday. I am getting much better at giving her the drops too. Last night I layed her on my bed, turned on Wonder Pets, gave her a bottle and while she was distracted dropped a drop in her eye. She didn't cry or fuss really, but as soon as she was distracted again, I put in another drop. When all four were in I gave her a lick of my icecream. This morning was the same routine, except she got some of daddy's bagel when we were done with the drops.

It is 10 am and I have already eaten my lunch. I have been bringing my lunch as to not spend money I do not have anyways, but today I am going to have to raid Ms. Piggy and find something around here to eat. I'm not broken up about it though. ;)

USA won the soccer game last night 2 to 0!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Right now there are 5 and a 1/2 Mexicans huddled in front of my tv watching the soccer game. Only 4 minutes in, Mexico was dangerously close to making a goal. Mind you, I am the only American here and to make matters *worse*, the only women. I cheered when they missed the goal and 5 heads turned to look at me. Cayley is fitting right in with the crowd contributing her fair share of yelling. She is sitting with her father because he claims she is rooting for her people. Ha! Viva Estados Unidos!

Monday, February 9, 2009

52 weeks of a Mom's busy life 2/2/2009-2/8/2009

Week 3

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The week was decent. The weekend, not so much. I just found out I need a new transmission. There goes my tax money. *off to sulk*

Friday, February 6, 2009

It's about to bite me in the ass

So about a month ago when I was stressing about our bills being paid outloud to Man Child, the words "you find another job or I will have to" escaped my lips. To that he gave me a very weary look and told me that I would not be working two jobs because of Cayley and the fact that I am pregnant. Well, he came to me yesterday doing a happy dance and told me that he is going back to his night security job. It is for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I regret now pushing the issue because he and I have been getting along so much better since he’s been spending more time at home and I worry that things might change. I know the routine we were in before, him always being tired, me feeling under appreciated and overworked… It caused us to fight and we were unable to communicate properly. I *think* I have been showing a brave face for his sake, but I guess some of my worrying may have broken through in bitch form. I must have snapped at him a couple times over nothing but luckily (for both of us) he just rolled with it and let it go. I don’t even feel relieved that it is going to be easier to pay the bills with this extra income. He loves this job and is super excited to be going back, but how can I be supportive when I am terrified that things are going to go down hill?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Have you seen my marbles?

They’ve been missing for a while, so I was just wondering if they have shown up anywhere near you.
Last night I re-installed Windows Vista on my computer. The tech at Circuit City had me convinced that this is the only way I could get it working properly because I must have some kind of spyware that is not being detected with the program that I have. Well, in my haste to get the computer working, I forgot to remember that I would lose my pictures and videos. I remembered the music files would be lost… I am such a dumbass. *sigh* I know I saved a lot of pictures on MySpace and Photobucket, but there are two videos in particular that are lost forever that I am sad about. This will teach me to back up my hard drive and save my videos and pictures to disc!!
Tonight I am going to get my taxes done. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! Please!!!! I am having Man Child stay home with Cayley while I do this. I want to have enough uninterrupted time with the tax person to go thru all the available tax breaks. I have to be responsible and catch up on bills and what not and have enough left over to visit my West Coast Sassy Sisters. Cross your fingers!

Monday, February 2, 2009

52 weeks if a Mom's busy life 1/26/09-2/1/2009

Week 2

February 1st, 2009
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This past week was a bit crazy. Some crappy stuff, but some great stuff too.
Crappy: Our cars got vandalized. Stuff got broken and stolen. My computer is not functioning properly. (well, it works but the Windows Media Player is not working and I can not upload pictures.) We sent it out and we were told that it is working fine, but when it got plugged in at my house, the same old shit is happening… My Sciatic nerve was making me want to chop off my leg.
I stayed home from work for two days. Cayley started blowing Raspberries. Ersula sent Cayley a Bumbo seat. I got a professional butt massage which provided me some relief in my leg for the rest of Friday. My husband cooked dinner most of the week and they all tasted good. I started playing a new PS2 game, Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoons. It is a cool game. I bought it a while back from KB Toys for like 6 dollars when they had the going out of business sale, but I just found my memory card this past week.
This weekend Jorge had to work, so Cayley and I were home. She was running a slight fever, so I assume that her teeth are coming in now. I did laundry and just hung out with her in bed. I watched a couple of movies… Last night I watched the second half of the Superbowl. GREAT GAME!!! I was rooting for the Cardinals, and for a moment it looked like they were gonna win. Even though they lost, I really enjoyed the game. This is the first year that Jorge attempted to watch it with me. I don’t know how the hell he fell asleep with me hootin’ and hollerin’, but he did and he missed the best plays in the 4th quarter. I also downloading a few songs this weekend.

Here are some pictures from this past week: