Our power went out for a while today. I looked out the window and saw the trees swaying back and forth and all of a sudden the power was out for four hours. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. I've gone through hurricanes without losing power!
The kids were entertained for the most part by watching the rain. Then we played with Dora and Diego, force feeding them milk and apples. Then we played crash dummies with the matchbox cars and Wow Wow Wubzy, and read a couple of books.
Oh, that reminds me! We made it to the library today! From what I was told today was the grand opening of the library after its renovations were complete. It looks nice to me, almost the whole second floor is the kids area. I do wish that they put some more comfortable chairs up there for the kids... It was a nightmare bringing Monkey there today. I spent the whole time with him on my hip because he would just run down the isles of books, grabbing a handful every other step. He made it difficult for me to spend any real time with Lee Lee but we somehow managed to get four books for them and two books for me. I definitely want to go there on my own really soon, I haven't been the a library in ages!
I didn't think that the power would come back on in time for the kids to have a hot meal so I cracked open a can of spegettios. Monkey practically drank his bowl while Lee Lee took one look at them, turned up her nose and said "No thanks Momma", and walked back to the living room. Luckily for her, the power came back on and I went ahead with the dinner that I had planned. Pork chops, black beans, rice and tortillas. (Lee Lee pronounces tortillas- PORTILLAS, hahaha) Those were the BEST pork chops I have ever made. Wow. Really good. Lee Lee ate two helpings of beans and pork chop. Monkey cleaned his plate as well. Now they are sitting watching Transformers and snacking on popcorn since they did so well at dinner.
Bedtime in this house has been increasingly difficult. The kids think that they can just sleep on the couch and getting them up in their rooms is a fight every night. Last night however, Monkey was cooperative when I said it was bedtime. He climbed up the stairs, went into his room and got into his bed. I gave Lee Lee some kisses and convinced her to stop crying and went to kiss Monkey. He saw me, pulled back his blanket, patted his pillow, patted his mattress and said "for you" to me. Awww. That baby Monkey roped me into laying down with him and I ended up falling asleep.
The kids are doing great and amaze me everyday as they have since the days they were born. I'm off to cuddle them a bit before bedtime. <3