Monday, April 11, 2011

Before I had children...

Before I had children...
I slept in on the weekends and hated to be woken up.

I have an internal alarm clock set for 7 am and if my house is quite past 7:30 I have to make sure my children are still breathing in their beds.

Before I had children...
I lazily sat on the couch watching random TV marathons while dishes piled up in the sink and dust accumulated on the baseboards.

I am much to busy to do dishes and dust busting because I am always chasing after a Monster or a Monkey!

Before I had children...
I was content with the life I was living.

I strive to make myself better so that I may provide everything that my children need (and some of what they want!).

Before I had children...
I thought I knew what love was.

I know I will never love anything/anyone the way I love my Monster and my Monkey.

I could just SHOUT it from the rooftop.


I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Or as Monster says "No, I love you mas!" <3