Monday, May 30, 2011


We took the babies to our local pool today since I had the day off. They had such a blast. Both of the babies are looking a bit more mexican this evening much to Man Childs delight. I am absolutely exhausted so I am of to bed and I shall update more on todays events tommorrow. : )

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Wake up horsey!

I slept until noon today. Let me say it once more just so that it will sink in.


Yeah, I still can not believe it.

Do any of you have a rough and tough toddler? Monkey is going to be the early death of me with his craziness. He literally can be walking around and all of a sudden out of the blue he throws himself onto the floor (or outside on the ground) and laughs like a lunatic. It almost looks like he is doing a belly flop... That's not it though. He is constantly running into the walls or other stationary objects. Like yesterday afternoon he ran nose first into my computer desk.

This is the result of that:

You can't really see it I guess, but it is a nice red line. Poor Monkey. Oh, and when he runs, and he definitely runs all of the time, he runs with his arms up behind him. It is the funniest looking thing, but he constantly gives me mini heart attacks when he is falling head first onto the pavement.

Here are a couple of pics of the kids. I do not have a camera, so these are poor quality phone pics. My goal is to get a camera soon though!

I was playing with the kids, rolling around on the floor and whatnot, and at one point Lee Lee jumps on my back and yells "WAKE UP HORSEY!" and starts bouncing up and down on me. Monkey runs over and tells her "I can't, I can't" while he pushes her off of me. I thought, oh, how sweet, he is defending me. Nope. As soon as her butt was off of me, SLAM, there's a Monkey on my back.

Lee Lee is addicted to my Android phone. I downloaded a few Apps for her that could keep her busy while we are in the car on long trips, or if we are sitting in a waiting room, or even if I just need her to have some quiet time. Well, the problem is now she always wants to play on the phone! All I hear is "Mommy, I want to match socks", "Mommy, I want to color your phone", "Mommy I want to do puzzles!". Ahhhh! She is driving me nuts! The other day, after hearing her tell me all day that she wanted the phone, I decided that enough was enough. I told her that she wouldn't be using the phone for the whole day. So she pouted and I felt bad, but I did not give in. Later in the day when I came back downstairs from what ever I was doing upstairs, I noticed that my phone was not on my desk. I knew immediately that Lee Lee had it. I was about to call her name when I noticed a breathing lump on my living room floor. Lee Lee had curled up on the floor with my phone and "hidden" herself under her blanket. It was all I could do not to laugh. I pretended of course that I couldn't find her, calling out, "Lee Lee, where are you, I can't find you", and naturally Monkey followed suit. The giggles that came out from that breathing lump on the floor just melted me. When she finally popped out saying, "I here Mommy, you so silly!", I took the phone and we went about our day. Of course she asked for the phone again, and again, and again throughout the day...
Gotta love my babies... <3

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Super Sunday!

Today was a great day!

We started the afternoon by taking the babies to a playground. It was so hot I decided to take them to a different park, one with the trail. We walked the trail and the stretch we walked was about a mile one way. The babies walked the first lap almost all the way on their own. We walked back to the parking lot alternating the babies on our shoulders, chasing them in spurts, and playing tag. Cayley would chase me and if I got to far ahead she would yell out, "Wait! Espera!" LOL, I love to hear her speak Spanish. I just want to kiss her face she is so cute! She kept looking for animals like we were on a safari. The most we was were a couple of squirrels and the handful of dogs that were running with their owners.

When we were done walking the trail we found another playground that was packed with other kids of all ages. Monkey and Lee Lee quickly found "friends" and it was like they no longer knew Man Child or I. Monkey ended up with a bat and a ball, Lee Lee was climbing the playground equipment like a pro... I was just sitting there like a lost puppy- a puppy that the babies abandoned because they found something better to play with. *sigh* I knew this was going to happen eventually, but come on! They are one and two years old. Isn't this just a bit too soon!?

We eventually left the park and decided to get ice cream. On our way out of the parking lot, Lee Lee says to me from the backseat "Momma, I am super hungry. Me have prench prys pwease?" (Ahhh... I just love her.) So naturally since Lee Lee said "prench prys", Monkey started in with his "fy fy, fy fy" and it was decided. Golden Arches here we come! We spent about a half hour in the play land and surprisingly neither baby put a fight up about leaving. On the way to the car (my favorite moment of the day!) Lee Lee says "Momma, I had a great day! It was fun!"

We stopped on the way home for ice cream with sprinkles, and then stopped at the Blockbuster box to pick up a free movie. We got home and did bath time, cleaned up our toys from earlier in the day got the living room set up with blankets and pillows for movie time. The babies watched Ice Age 3 and I did my homework.

I really wish I had some pictures from the today. The pictures would have captured the pure happiness of the babies. Soon enough... Soon enough.
Tomorrow is Monday. Back to the daily grind.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A song for Lee Lee

Last night Lee Lee wanted to snuggle before bedtime. I was rocking her and singing our own special lullaby to her over and over again until she finally had enough and told me she was ready for sleep.
"Good night Lee Lee, Good night Lee Lee, Good Night Lee Lee, It's time to go to bed. Mama loves you, Dada loves you, Brother Monkey loves you too!"
Sitting there rocking her brought back this memory of the first time I rocked her. I was still pregnant and I was listening to this song and I was so consumed with emotion, that all I could do was sit there and cry and rock my unborn daughter.
I love you Lee Lee. I did from the moment I knew you were conceived and will until the day that I am no longer on the earth able to rock you.

(BTW, I am not fond of the video they put to the lyrics, but this is the best quality sound that I could find!)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I have spent the last few days playing cat and mouse with...



I knew that I had a mouse living amongst us shortly after I moved into this place, but when I found a dead mouse at my front door I thought that was then end of that... I mean, I even stopped seeing the mouse crap on my counter... So... Maybe this is the other mouse's Baby Momma, or Grandmother, or arch nemesis, who knows... All I know is I went into the kitchen two nights ago and when I flipped on the switch I saw a mouse tail disappear into the stove burner. I lifted the stove top and WALLA! Holy Mouse crap! I was disgusted that I have been cooking on that stove when right below the surface there is mouse crap that could potentially carry some nasty diseases. Not to mention that it is POOP. *Gag*

So, out came the bleach and the rubber gloves and I went to town on the stove and pretty much the rest of the kitchen. I told Man-Child that we have a mouse in the kitchen. He can't say that he didn't hear me because let me tell ya, I told him just how frikken disgusting what I found was. Plus I swear he thought I was nuts while I was trying to creep up on the mouse... There I was standing in the kitchen with the lights off staring at the stove waiting to see the mouse come out of hiding... (Now that I think back, what the hell was I going to do if it did? I had no weapon and even if I had, I can not imagine that I would be able to use it on the mouse.) I quickly started seeing things, and no matter how many times I switched on the light, it was never the mouse. I eventually decided to take another approach. Greys and Private Practice was on that night, so I decided to give the light switch (and Man Child a rest from my antics) and watch some TV. Then very cleverly, during just about every other commercial(Man-Child went to bed) I ran into the kitchen, fast as lightning but with as much stealth as a ninja, flipped on the light and...


But again, what was I planning to do if he was sitting there on my stove? Without a weapon or even the desire to hurt him... Could I have preformed some jet eye mind trick that would have coaxed him out of the back door with instructions to never come back and to warn his kind the same? Damn. That would have been awesome.

Ok, so fast forward to tonight... I was sitting here on the computer learning my College Math(which sucks) and I decided to go refill my coffee cup. I walk into the kitchen, flip the light switch and what do I see? There scurries the mouse down through the stove top. But, let me ask you... Do you know what he was doing? He was snacking on the oatmeal raisin cookie crumbs that are on the cookie sheet that was left on the top of the stove... By who?

Do you really need two guesses?

I think we both know Man-Child well enough to know that it was him. (I mean, you might have been just as surprised as I was to find out that he MADE COOKIES, but come to find out, Lee Lee made them while he sat there and supervised.)

And if you thought for even a second that it was my lazy behind that left the cookie sheet there, when have you known me to make or even buy a cookie that doesn't have chocolate in it? Shame on you!

At this point I am thinking of naming the mouse. Any suggestions?

Monkey was diagnosed with another ear infection today, so we are going to get him in to see an ENT specialist. I also noticed that he laughs and yells random things in his sleep. I was watching over him because he had a fever and I get super paranoid when one of the babies have a fever, and all of a sudden he yells out "WHOA!" Hehehe. I wonder what he was dreaming about.

Lee Lee is just as hilarious as always. We had made plans to go to the store this past Thursday and as Man-Child walked out of the front door to put the kids in the car, Lee Lee looked back to see me sit down on the couch. She didn't know that I needed to put socks on and she got all worried. "Mommy, are you coming with me?" she says. I tell her, "Carry me Lee Lee, Mommy is tired." So she proceeds to try to pull me to the door, first by my finger, then my arm, then my head... Finally I think she realized that that wasn't a battle she was going to win because she said "Mommy, I can't do it." Then she runs to the front door and yells to her father, " Dada! Momma is tired. Come carry her. Come on Dada! Carry her. DADA!" Hahaha! I can't imagine what the neighbors were thinking.

Oh, and today she crushed my dream of being a princess. I was loving on her and I said, "Your my princess Lee Lee." And she says to me, "I princess Lee Lee, you are Momma." So I say "I want to be princess mommy," and she looks at me like I had asked her if she wanted some broccoli and said, "NO, your Momma, NOT a princess!" Well jeez Lee Lee. I consider myself "TOLD".