Here it is 6:20 am and Lee Lee and Monkey are wide awake ready to have an awesome day. Me? Not so much. I am so tired! I fell asleep last night too early, without doing my homework, so when I woke up this morning just after 4am in a panic, I was looking forward to some quiet time and possibly a shower before they woke up. Ah, things never go as planned and I need to learn to stop thinking that they will!!
So, let's see what is on the agenda for today... It is much too cold to go play outdoors and it is Saturday.... Cleaning day! I am going to "Spring Shine" my house today (or at least attempt to). I've been so wrapped up in avoiding housework this past week that my house looks like a disaster zone. On top of my "Spring Shining" I need to get myself a little more organized... I am planning on venturing into my own business later this month, so I need to get things ready for that. It is really exciting and will write more about that later.
I am off to get a jump start on the house.
Nap time: ETA 5 hours, 30 mintes!
Picture update.
13 years ago
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