I have joined 24 Hour Fitness. I love it. They have a variety of classes (one in the pool!), user friendly weight equipment, and a Kids Club. Today I went to the Biggest Loser Boot Camp class. Holy crap, I am beat! It was alot of fun, but HARD! I have never sweat like that -on purpose- in my entire life. I think they are going to have another next week, so I'll be there! I have done the pool class and a spin class, and finally gotten over my fear of the eliptical machine. I need to master the stairmaster now. Cayley LOVES the kids club, Jordan not so much. I am hoping he'll get the hang of being dropped off there soon, I hate that he cries so much when I leave him there.
Speaking of Jordan and Cayley...
Jordan is now cruising around the furniture. He loves to stand, and climb on his sister. It is hilarious. He will not eat baby food anymore. Only regular food. I love this age because babies are not picky at all. He wants to try everything and hasn't spit anything out yet. He is also starting to show his frisky side. Well, I guess attitude might explain it better, lol.
Cayley is using so many words now! I am convinced that someone is sneaking in this house to teach her new words like _MINE_ ... The other day I asked her to go get something, and she picked it up and said "GOT IT!" I love her sweet little voice. Oh my goodness, you should see her at the park now! She runs all over so excited to explore the equipment. She tests all the slides, no matter how large they are. She still does not like the swings, and I am not sure why. I think she is the only kid I know that doesn't like the swing.

1 comment:
YAY! I'm so proud of you and I look up to you for it too. I love the new pics of the kids, I can't believe Monkey is so big all ready!!!!!!!!! Noooo my cuddle bug lol
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