I can not believe that my little baby Monkey will be the big O-N-E soon! Not to mention Miss Monster Cayley baby entering into the terrible twos! As I am sitting here typing, those sweet children of mine are napping. Together. It is a miracle! Really, it is. I think this is maybe the third time since Monkey was born that my children have napped together. Whatever. I'll take what I can get!
Miss Monster Cayley is truly a trip and a half. I am amazed by the things she can do and say and understand. Today we were watching Dora and there was a star who was crying because it fell from the sky. Well Miss Monster gasped all dramatically and put her hands to her cheeks and said "Sad!". So I told her "yes, that star is sad", and then she ran over to the TV and gave the star kisses and stroked the screen saying "kay, kay". It was incredibly cute to see. She is going through this stage that all she wants to do is color. She wakes up saying "color?!?!", lol. I already have quite the art collection from her.
Monkey baby hurt his little foot at the beginning of the week. He somehow (according to Man-Child) got caught in the blanket on the couch and fell. I panicked and took him to the emergency room (and let me tell ya, it is not easy nor fun to have a crying Monkey AND a bored Monster baby in the ER by yourself) but the x-rays they took looked fine and I was instructed to give him Motrin. I ended up taking him to his pediatrician the next day to follow up out of concern for his restlessness and irritability even after dosing him with Motrin, but he has since gotten better. Just this morning I saw him starting to use his foot again. Thank God. I was really starting to worry for a minute. Other than that incident, Monkey is just fabulous. He has the greatest personality and a heart melting smile.
These babies are amazing. They keep me smiling and laughing all day long. I can't believe how lucky I am, not only to have these babies, but to have the opportunity to be home with them and watch as they grow.
Picture update.
13 years ago
God bless your beautiful children!!!
You got a lovely and cute babies, know what? even though i feel so tired and sleepy on the way home all of it are gone the moment my baby come at me and smile and laugh... i couldn't help but play and laugh along with my kid.
Aoudad Sheep Hunting
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