Week 1 January 25, 2009 
So, I had all intentions of starting this
challenge yesterday, but then things happened that had me distracted from the computer... I guess that's life, right?
This past week has been quite for the most part. Man child was sick, so my "wife" hat got put on the shelf and the "mommy" hat replaced it. Man Child is such a pansy when he is sick; to the point that my compassion turns into irritation. After spending the majority of the week telling him that he needed to start taking medication and he telling me all he needed was
Echinacea and some sort of Mexican tea, it was evident on Saturday that he had withered away into a
sniffling, raspy throat, feverish lump of man. So of course now he wants the white peoples medicine. The saddest part is the he never learns. Five years now we’
ve been going through this. White peoples medicine works! *sigh*
Cayley has now learned how to get herself over her
Boppy pillow. I
layed her tummy down with her toys all around her and I look back at her a couple of minutes later and she is on the other side of the pillow! In a very awkward
position mind you. She however did not fuss about it at all. I decided to put her back on the pillow and watch her, and I got pictures of her in action.

It was hilarious to watch. And she was not too quiet about it either, grunting and shrieking until she got her ass over the pillow. I really should have taken the video. If she realized that she could move arms, I am sure she would have taken off crawling. From the way it looked to me, she was trying to get to Pita who was watching her, ready to run if by chance
Cayley got too close to her. They are getting along really well, but Man Child likes to get them better acquainted, and usually
Cayley ends up with a handful of hair and Pita sits there begging with her eyes for help.

Pita can hold her own though. I found some of
Cayleys socks and a couple of her toys in the makeshift cave Pita made under our end table.
I had my first trimester screening for NBS this past week. The ultrasound was perfect. It was such a relief to see NBS, since I opted not to rent the Doppler that I rented when I was pregnant with
Cayley. NBS was just as stubborn as I expected when Randy (u/s tech) was trying to get the measurements she needed. NBS had the hiccups the whole ultrasound.
Ooooh... I read ALL of the Twilight books. I finished the 4
th one yesterday morning.
OMG, such a great series. I would
recommend it to anyone. I cried, laughed, got angry... Like I said, really good series. Go get them from somewhere. You'll be hooked. I read all four books in a little over 7 days. Any
recommendations for something else that I can read?
So other than having to play mommy to Man Child, my week was pretty good! I did not have to cook too often, but when I did cook I made chicken stew, chicken soup, and then last night I made spaghetti and meat sauce. I was not trying to make meatballs of all of the guys. I did do some grocery shopping and let me tell you, it is getting harder and harder to feed 6 people on the money we have left over from bills. I did splurge a bit, and got some nacho cheese and chocolate chip cookies (not as good together as I imagined, but still good enough to eat. All yours Afton. : ) ). I got some pretty good deals, but we will be eating a lot of chicken again. I don’t think anyone minds really, since there are so many ways you can prepare chicken. I could really go for a nice New York Strip right now though… I am sure Man Child could too!
Last thought… I am sure that whatever Man Child had, he has passed on to me… I will not give you the details, but last night was very unpleasant for me and my bathroom sink. (Where was Man Child when I was getting sick you ask? Passed out on Tylenol Cold PM. Still milking it….) I still feel nauseous today, but so far breakfast has stayed down. I’ll be tempting fate soon enough with lunch…
Here are some pictures to round out this weeks post…. Have a great week all!!
Cayley and Irving
Cayley and her first tortilla...

Man Child and "his angel"

This morning getting ready for the babysitter