Nothing special happened this weekend really... I started reading "Twilight" on friday evening and finished it last night around 10:30 pm. That book was damn good! I will be starting book two, "New Moon" later today. I told Man Child that he needed to give me tonight off, so hopefully he will keep his word. Only time will tell on that one. I made chicken soup on Saturday morning/afternoon and we had it for dinner on saturday and again for lunch on sunday. I was sad to see the pot empty. My chicken soup is the bomb. (Really, it is.) The christmas tree came down on sunday and Man Child spent the day cleaning the kitchen cabinets. I took care of Cayley and did laundry and cleaned our bedroom. Like I said, nothing special...
I missed Desperate Housewives last night thanks to my new reading obbsession... I'll have to catch it online sometime this week.
Poor Pita is out of food again... I have no idea how I manage to hit up three different stores on saturday morning and forget dog food at all three of the stores. Needless to say, Pita loves her some people food, and got to eat chicken soup and rice with us all weekend, and eggs this morning for breakfast. I really do have to remember to stop at the store tonight on my way home though... Poor Pita.
Cayley was a riot this weekend. She must be going through a growth spurt because she woke up numerous times during the nights only to fuss untill she got a bottle. She was very restless when she finally fell asleep, and she was a bit of a wild child while she was up. Here are a few pictures from this weekend.
Going through the sunday coupons:

Watching Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends on Noggin:

Playing in her exersaucer and tring to eat MR. Penguin:

And these are from Saturday evening. I asked Man Child to change Cayley's diaper while I was assembeling the soup bowls and what not, and this is how she returned to the kitchen...

All in all, the weekend was a good one. (and I just realized going through my weekend pictures that my Christmas stockings are sill up... Oops...)
that last picture is so funny!!! it looks like cayley is laughing too!
I love the pictures where she is eating the paper!! How cute!
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