So, here I am, 3 months into this pregnancy! It feels like just a few weeks ago that I found out I was pregnant again! 6 more months to go! I am super anxious to find out the gender. I am hoping to find out as soon as possible and not have to wait as long as Cayley made us wait.
I realized last night as I watched Cayley mastering the new skill of holding her own bottle and "playing with her food", that she is growing up so fast! She is already acting pretty
independant. Soon she is gonna tell me that she is too old to be hugging me in public.

She yells when she wants your attention, throws a fit if she is not happy with the attention your giving her, SCREAMS when she is hungry (like we never feed her) and laughs like crazy when Man Child blows rasberries into her fat roll. She also sticks out her hand when you are eating like she wants to take it from you and tries to grab anything she can get her hands near! She hates wearing socks, sitting in her car seat, laying down when she is awake... She loves Pita, eating food, and bathtime. It seems like it was just yesterday that she spent her days in Mommys arms and didn't complain about it. I am happy to see her progressing, but I am sad at the same time.
1 comment:
awww how exciting !!! 3 months already! It's gone by fast! I also love watching Mimi holding her bottle!! They are growing so fast lol
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