I am not claiming any of the photos in THIS POST to be of my ownership. I copied them to my computer from the following site:
(thank you Time.com)

Dear Mr. President,
I am but one American who emigrated to this country along side a mother who had high hopes for what this country would be able to offer her children. One daughter that has seen the struggles of a parent trying to squeeze a dollar out of a dime in order to pay the rent and keep her children fed. One who has been embarrassed to call myself an "American" on more than one occasion due to the actions of my people. One who has seen the justice system crumble underneath the influence of political standing and power of ones bank account.
Today as I listened to your Inauguration speech, I felt my heart swell with hope. Hope that change is coming,the change you have often said your presidency would bring. You alone being sworn in as our 44th president is a change in itself. Not only because of your race, but because all races in America came together, forgetting their differences, to elect you. Young and old, black and white, we were standing in line at the polls back in November with a purpose. I am proud to say that I voted for you. That this is the first year of my life that I actually felt that I needed to vote. That my voice did matter. And I thank you for that. It was your enthusiasm and your sincerity that convinced me that you were the best suited to lead this country. You are a real person, you've been involved in the communities that suffer, your ideas are realistic. For the first time in forever I am optimistic for the future instead of wallowing in the daily struggles that we face. Hope is a powerful emotion!

I am but one person in the sea of millions that has faith in you Mr. President. I have faith that my children will see a better America. Better schools, better government, cleaner air. I hope for an end to poverty, come the time that my children are old enough to wonder why there is a man sleeping under the bridge, and I hope for my children to be able to see a cure for cancer, AIDS, and other fatal illnesses.
I am PROUD to be an American today Mr. President. So please, get to work and start implementing the change that we need. And thank you Sir, for I never thought I would be hopeful for our country.
Obama Believer
WOW I love what you wrote!
But I might have to call my lawyer or the FBI about those photos...
LMAO! Yeah, notice the disclaimer... I don't want the president to think I am "stalking" him...
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