Ricky came in on Wednesday night/Thursday morning and I am proud to be able to say that I did not get lost at the airport. I was very nervous about picking him up because I have never parked at the airport and I am not the greatest when it comes to navigating a parking garage. (yeah I know… You go up, then you go back down… For some reason it does not work like that for me) But, it went smoothly and I think I’ll do it again… (hint, hint… Some one come and visit me!!!) He and I went to Denny’s when he arrived in and the milkshake I ordered came in a crooked glass. I was fascinated. It leaned to the right and for a few moments I thought that my tiredness started causing me to be delirious, but Ricky confirmed that the glass had a "gansta lean". When the time came to pay the check the waitress reminded us that we could leave the tip on the receipt since we were paying with a debit card. I was flabbergasted. I wish I had recorded exactly what she said because the lady had balls about it. When she walked away Ricky said "Damn, the cup isn’t the only thing in here with a gansta lean". LOL. I don’t think I have laughed that hard in forever.
I went to work as usual on Thursday and the day pretty much sucked. But it did eventually end and I went and picked up Cayley. Ricky decided that he wanted Papa Johns for dinner so we ordered a couple of pizzas and he introduced me to Guitar Hero. That is a very interesting game if you want to work on your eye/hand coordination. I was so lost just trying to use the three buttons that are on the easy level. Green, red, and yellow. Oh, and the strum bar. Holy hell… I felt like a total ass because it’s only THREE keys and I kept missing them. More so the yellow. Friday morning came around and Cayley and I hung out until Ricky woke up. Then we had coffee and eventually made our way down to Man Childs job so he could feed us. We had shrimp, I had steak and Ricky had ribs. Very very yummy. Cayley had sweet potatoes when she was done making the rounds saying hello to all of Man Childs friends. She is a complete ham. Later that night Man Child went to his second job and Ricky and I played on the play station, computer and just talked about random stuff. At about 11 pm Cayley coughed and scared the shit out of me. It was a crazy sounding cough and she couldn’t stop for a minute and then she struggled to catch her breath. This went on for the rest of the night and at three in the morning she was crying from coughing. And she was feverish. When Ricky got up on Saturday morning Cayley was still coughing and running a fever. I asked him what he thought and he said her cough sounded "croupy" and she might need antibiotics. He felt her lymph nodes too and said they were swollen. I called her doctors office expecting to leave a message for Dr. R. to call me but they were OPEN!!! On a SATURDAY!!! Dr. R. was not in, but the other doctor was so I asked to make an appointment. The girl on the phone asks me what kind of insurance the patient has before she asked my daughters name or what is wrong with her. I told her BCBS and she said "ok, we have an opening at 10:30". That pissed me off. What if I hadn’t said BCBS? Do certain insurances get discriminated against on the weekend? I am going to talk to Dr. R. about that the next time I see her. Well the doctor confirmed that Cayley has viral croup and put her on a steroid to help relieve the swelling in her throat. He told me that I needed to monitor her breathing and temperature closely and bring her to the ER if either got too bad. A little while after the appointment I brought Ricky to the train station so he could go to Tampa and see our father. I would have loved to go, but having no money… It all worked out anyway since Cayley was sick. She wanted to be held and rocked ALL WEEKEND. There was no putting her down. She slept for a few minutes until another awful cough shook her body and she woke up crying… That poor baby… Man Child worked crazy hours this week getting a total of maybe eight hours sleep from Friday night to Monday afternoon. I felt bad for him, but I felt worse for those around me on account that come Sunday night, that last shower I had gotten was Friday morning. I was smelly, hungry and tired. (which means I was a complete bitch) When Man Child came home Sunday, I started crying because I just wanted 5 minutes in the shower before he ran off to his other job. He turned the shower on, took Cayley, and told me to take as much time as I needed. When I got finished scraping baby food and cheetos off my neck and out of my hair, and scrubbed the Infant Motrin off my foot that I had clumsily knocked of my dresser (brand new bottle just about wasted) I found them both sleeping peacefully cuddled up in pillows and comforters on the bed, so I left them there. I made some Ramen Noodles and just sat there and enjoyed my baby free arms. It lasted maybe thirty minutes before Cayley woke herself up coughing and crying, but I certainly felt refreshed at that point. I helped Man Child get ready for work and saw him off. Then Cayley and I settled in the room and watched the movie "Shutter". Monday morning rolled around and Cayley was still running a fever so I stayed home. We snuggled all day and I did laundry in between her short siestas. We picked up Ricky at the train station and went to the diner for dinner. Cayley was such a good girl. She just sat in her car seat eating bits of banana and playing with napkins. Her and Man Child passed out when we got home and Ricky and I hung out in the living room. I dropped him off at my mom’s this morning and Cayley went to the baby sitter and here I am at work… Counting the minutes till I get to see my baby… oooh… Yesterday I had put Cayley in her exersaucer, and when I walked by she put up her arms and whined at me!!! And she now has two teeth.
Here is my baby yesterday...

Thanks for making me smile, like I always do when I read your blog :)
I love the shirt on her!
Oh Huggssss Caroline! You sure do need it after that long week!
Glad you got to see your brother, but YUCKY for a sick baby! It made me say "awww" when I read how you had a break down and then he took the baby and then you found them sleeping. Sounds just like my house. LOL
Hugs, although it sounds like it has already gotten better!
(call me if you ever need anything)
HAHAHA!! I always ALWAYS get lost too at the airport don't feel bad.
Aww she is so cute! I'm sorry your little one was sick. Hope she's doing better. I know how it is when the babies are sick. It's a lot of work.
Awe how sweet! Wow what a week!
Glad you were able to spend some time with your brother. Airport parking scares me too!
That picture is adorable!!!
I hope she is feeling better! You had a busy week!
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