Wow. I sure dropped the ball on my blog. (my commitment issues are showing again!)
Not much to report other than that we found out NBS is a BOY!!! His name is Eli! I have been smiling and floating around for days now.
(You know what just popped in my head? I still have not gotten Cayleys birth certificate…She will be 7 months old on Sunday! )
Also, I am going to be meeting with a doctor friend of my OB to see if she will accept me as a new patient. If she does, I will not have to have another c-section!! I am terrified and excited about this. I want to feel what labor is, since that is the final part of pregnancy, but I am a little bitch when it comes to pain… I am however crossing my fingers for the chance to feel labor and have my little boy naturally.
At my monthly appointment I found out that I am already up 20lbs. I gained 10 lbs last month. That is a record for me. I have been eating better for the most part this week. I really don’t want to gain too much weight. I am already starting to feel the heaviness of my ass and I still have 4 months to go. Eli is only 1 lb of the 20 and if he is anywhere near Cayley’s 9 lb birth weight… I’m gonna be in trouble….
Work has been crazy busy and I find that I have no patience and no attention span. I keep forgetting things, or procrastinating. I think subconsciously I am trying to get my self fired. I can’t afford to right now so I really need to buckle down and shape up. That is a goal for next week though… LOL
Cayley has started saying Momma. Momamamamamama, squeal, Mommamamamama, giggle, Momamamama, SCREETCH! She has also started to try to pull herself up onto things. She still isn’t crawling though… Maybe she’ll skip crawling and jump right into walking? I have found this past week that her favorite yogurt is strawberry. And she tries sooo hard to grab anything anyone is eating and stuff it in her mouth. She got smart and started pulling on the table linen until the food on the table is within her reach. She’s crazy!!! She is just so pretty and makes me melt every time she smiles. Especially when she wakes in the morning. I often bring her in our bed when she first wakes up for a bottle, and then around 7 or so she wakes up again and when she looks at me with her sleepy eyes and smiles…
Man Child is being the perfect husband as of late. It is such a difference from when I was pregnant with Cayley and one that I am extremely grateful for. The consideration and attention he shows me make me love and appreciate him more everyday. (yet I am secretly waiting for him to fuck-up so that all of this good behavior is null and void… *sigh* I am such a bitch sometimes)
I have been dealing with this cold for just about two weeks now. I keep waiting for it to go away and it seems like it is, and then BAM! My ears plug up. It is a very awkward feeling, this ear "fogginess". I finally broke down and called my doctor this morning and she is calling me in some antibiotics that I can pick up after work. Hopefully I’ll be good as new come Monday morning!
I guess that is it for now. I need to go catch up on all the blogs I haven’t been keeping up on lately…
Picture update.
13 years ago
1 comment:
Im so excited for you! Dont worry i havent got reagans either.. hehehe ;)
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