As of yesterday afternoon, the Mexicans have lost a great alli.
They can kiss my ass.
I tried to get some information from the Mexican Consulate in Miami and was hung up.
I tried to get some information from the Mexican Consulate in Miami and was hung up.
Because I do not speak Spanish.
I’m sorry, but do we do this to the foreigners in this country?
If you call ANY government agency, you have the option to speak to a Spanish speaking person. The IRS, the County Courthouse, The frikken Post Office.
So you know what?
I will not feel sorry for you that you can not communicate with "us" any longer. Your in America Asshole.
*** I kind of feel bad for this because I didn't feel this way before, but now it is all out of principle. The frikken office was in MIAMI. Not Mexico. And the bitch hung up on me twice***
I was so pissed yesterday I sent this e-mail to man Child:
I tried doing you a favor by calling your Consulate to make an appointment and find out how much money you need and the lady hung up on me. I just want you to know how frustrating it is that YOUR PEOPLE won’t help someone that speaks English, but MY PEOPLE do everything to make it easy for Spanish speaking people.
YOUR PEOPLE SUCK. I am so mad right now.
Call 1.877.639.4835 to make an appointment.
It is a good thing I like Mexican food.
YOUR PEOPLE SUCK. I am so mad right now.
Call 1.877.639.4835 to make an appointment.
It is a good thing I like Mexican food.
He laughed at my anger, and seeing him laugh made me laugh.
On Tuesday we went to see the Lawyer we met last year after Cayley was born to re-visit the possibility of filing for Man Child to become a Legal Resident. (I just want to throw in here how GOOD Man Child looked in his grown up clothes. If it were up to me we would have been a bit late to our appointment...) We signed a contract and now I just have to get the paperwork in order (hence my call to the Consulate) so we could be making a trip to Mexico in 6-8 months for our Immigration interview. I called the IRS, finally sent the application for Cayleys birth Certificate and printed out the paper work I need to get a passport for me and the kids. Everything else on our checklist was already ready since we began this whole process with a different Lawyer who did nothing but avoid my phone calls. (which reminds me… I have to write a letter to her and try to get my deposit back.)
This whole process is a financial nightmare. This is why we haven’t tackled it yet. We have to pay a lawyer, pay the government fee’s, the airline tickets, save money for the trip, save money for us to pay our rent and bills while we are away… Plus the things that pop up in between , like a zillion passport photos and getting paperwork translated. Oh, and the passports too! We were fortunate to get a check from my mother to help us get started in the amount of 2,500 which paid for the lawyer and the government fees.
Thank you very much. We appreciate it.
We have a long way to go though, and I will be doing everything I can think of to cut costs and save money. We have cut our food budget down and I will be doing all that I can to get our electric bill down. Now I wish Florida wasn't so HOT! my AC usage kills my bank account. O crap, and summer is coming too!?!? And I'll be a hot pregnant lady on top of it?!?! I have a feeling that Cayley, Pita and I will be living in the Kiddie Pool in a couple of months.
What are some other things I can cut? My cell phone bill is only 25.00 and I feel that that is a necessity. Not only for my sanity, but because god forbid I need to call for help or something. Smoke signals are not always reliable. Not with as much as my neighborhood barbeque's.
I could cut my Internet but then my sanity again hangs in the balance... I have basic TV. I do need underwear now that I think about it... Damn. My ass is getting fatter. I don't travel. I really have no one to visit so I only use gas during the week for work and on the weekends to do grocery shopping. Pita will not be going to the groomer....
Suggestions will be appreciated! I am not even started on my goal to save 6,000.00 in the next 6-8 months. That will buy our tickets and pay our rent/bills for two months. We decided that we need that cushion in case our/his/my job does not allow us to travel and we have to quit then look for new employment when we return. (just reading the number out loud... Not realistic at all for a family that will be cut down to one income in two months for an undecided/unforeseen period of time)
Also, on Monday, Man Child ripped out the carpet in the living room! OMG, it looks so different!! I expected there to be huge stains on the tile or something, but it looks so clean! I really love it and appreciate that he finally got it done. I feel so much better about Cayley being on the floor now. And man! That baby can really get around now! I'll have to video her again. We have been trying to get her to give us kisses, and sometimes she does... Baby kisses are sweet. She opens her mouth and puts it on my mouth/face/arm... LOL, she slobbers all over, but I know she is giving kisses. AND... I noticed she will only share her puffs with Man Child. Not that I want any mind you, but if I am walking by her high chair and she has puffs on her tray she'll yell and smack her tray until I have passed. Now if Daddy is near(and he likes the puffs) she holds one out to him. And Smiles. :(
Well, I have rambled on enough for one afternoon....
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