Why do I consider this news? Well, I guess because this is the first time in my life that I bought it. It was on sale for .88 at Albertsons and I thought I might as well have it in my cabinet should I need it. I hear that you can use it to make some really tasty hamburgers... Now I just have to get the correct pronunciation down. Worcestershire Sauce. Hmm... I better take it slow.
In other news...
Cayley is finally feeling better. Her bum however is hurting from the looks of it. I think the effects of the prune juice earlier this week have finally worn off, so now her bum needs to recover and she'll be good as new. Oh, yeah, I guess we'll have to wait for her new bruise to go away too. Today we decided to go to the Mexican store to get our veggies for the week, and when I was leaning over to lock my car up, Miss Cayley leaned forward as well and hit her face (right below her eye) on the corner edge of the door. Missed her eye by hair. I felt so bad. It turned into a black dot rather quickly, but now has reddened and bruised a bit. Thankfully, it did not seem to affect her too much. She fussed for a moment and then snacked on some Cheetos while I did the shopping.
I have all of next weeks dinners planned out. I am very excited to try some new things. If they turn out decent, I will post the recipes.
NBS will be here soon!! I can't believe I have only about 8 weeks left. I have been nesting like crazy, which I did not experience with Cayley, and this pregnancy is starting to do a number to my pelvis. It takes me a few tries to get in and out of bed, lol. Sometimes when I lay down I can not move my legs because moving hurts my pelvis so bad. I keep telling myself "x" amount of weeks to go... I should not complain too much because my little boy is healthy as far as we can tell and that is most important. I can't believe we are having another baby!!! AHHHH!
22 more working days until I become a Stay at Home Mother!!! I am super excited! I am so ready to stop going to the office now, but I will stay until the very end.
Man Childs birthday is coming up and I have no idea what to do to celebrate it. We have never celebrated our birthdays really, so I kind of want to throw him a party, but I suck at planning and everything else that hosting a party entails. I would hate to throw him a lame ass party. He really deserves something great. I'll keep thinking.
I am off to get some sleep. I am driving Man Child to work tomorrow since he is going to be passing 24 hours without sleep due to his work schedule. (he is crazy!) I don't want him driving at this point, so Cayley and I will take him to work and we will hang out at the mall that is down around there until he finishes. He is only expecting to be there for a few hours, so it won't be too bad.
Picture update.
13 years ago
1 comment:
Woostersure :D I'm excited about the meal planning. The thought makes me hungry. And I can't believe how fast and soon NBS will be here! YAY!!
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