Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spaghetti night!!!

So, as some of you know, Cayley has been sick since Monday. Thankfully, today she looks and is acting much better. She was telling me that she was hungry, so I plopped some spaghetti on her tray to see if she would eat it (and to distract her while man child and I ate). Her are some pictures.


Breanna said...

OMG those are priceless pictures! She is so precious!!!

im glad she is feeling better.

Ellie... said...

How beautiful she is !!!!!!!!!!!

Amber said...

SHE IS SO CUTE! I just want to eat her and the spaghetti right up!

Xaleyn said...

OMG hahaha That is so funny and way beyond adorable!

Kristen said...

She's so funny! I love the pics :) Glad she's doing well.

Mrs. Gonzalez said...

How cute!! She loves her spaghetti!!