Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This Boy is coming down the birth canal! (come july!)

I met with a midwife today and she accepted me as a new patient!! She is the only one that would let me have a VBAC. I was very worried that I would have to have another c-section purely because I would not be able to find a health care provider to accept me.

She did lay out three rules.
1.) If I go past 40 weeks I will have to have a c-section.
2.) I must go into labor naturally.
3.) Once I go into labor, she will do nothing to help it progress. NO PICTOCIN.

So, there is a good chance that I will be having another c-section, BUT, I am happy to at least be given the chance to do it the natural way.


April Willard said...

I'm so happy for you!

Ellie... said...

Awesome!! Second time around always come sooner then first!! Chances are you will give VBAC! Birth happens a lot faster too the second time around, here's the hoping for a lesser birthing time so you don't need any meds =) Pop that baby out girlfriend HAHAHAA

Amber said...

I'm so so so happy for you. I really hope you get to do this! I can't wait to see him!!

Xaleyn said...

That is so awesome, hon, I'm glad you have her to support you and honor your wishes! Here's hoping!

Kristen said...

Glad you're getting the opportunity to have the VBAC. Ask Bre for pointers on Castor Oil when the time comes ;)