Friday, June 19, 2009

Sometimes he surprises me.

On Tuesday we saw NBS! Man Child came with me and met "my" ultrasound tech Randi. She is so awesome. Anyway, NBS is measuring perfectly and is estimated to weight 5 lbs, 9 oz. He of course did not want to cooperate enough to give is a good face shot, or a gender shot for that matter, but we did see him practice breathing and Man Child got to see him moving around. He is still breech and now that I am over 34 weeks I am starting to get concerned about his position. I have visited the spinbaby website and plan on using some of their tips to try to get this baby turned around. I will also try for a Version if I have to. I have to go to the Peri-natalogist weekly now for growth scans due to my GD. The Doctor did tell me however that the baby is right on track and that my sugars are damn near perfect... Oh well. I get to see NBS every week until he decided to come out, so I am really not complaining.

This morning I received a text from Man Child that says " Mami, te amo. Perdoname por todo". Okay... So I text him back, "I love you too. What did you do? I am not mad at you..?" He calls me about fifteen minutes later and asks me if I understood his message. I told him yeah, but why did he send it? He tells me that he is sorry for everything. He knows that he has been bitchy because of the stress he has from work and his family and when he unloads it on me it is unfair. He knows that he should be helping out more but even as he watches me clean, cook, take care of Cayley, work a full time job, carry around this massive belly, when the stress hits him he can not move. He feels drunk and has no energy. He then told me that he is very lucky to have me. That he is thankful that I support him and put up with his shit. That he will try harder to channel his stress elsewhere. (I can only hope...)

This text and conversation comes at a great time because last night I was at my wits end with him. I hate how he tells me that our room is cluttered, but it is all his shit that is everywhere! Or when I finally have enough of THAT complaint so I put things away and now he can't find anything because it is not where he put it. I spent my night last night cooking dinner, unloading our old dressers, loading the new ones, feed Cayley, gave her bath, put her to bed, washed the bottles, did laundry, and organized our room. What did he do? He moved the furniture, ate dinner, talked to his friend for a few minutes, and then fell asleep on the couch. When I was finally done it was almost 12 am, he decides to go to bed. Well, now that I can relax, I want to watch a bit of TV until I fall asleep. No, the frikken tv was too loud for him. *sigh* How can I not resent him at this point?

I know stress effects everyone differently, but I am getting really frustrated with the stress excuse. I can be pretty damn understanding and supportive, but I am tired. And I am sore. And I am hot. What would happen if I went to sleep and left everything that needs to be done to Man Child? I would wake up to the same shit plus new shit. I have already learned that. So when he tells me that I need to relax, I agree with him out loud, but inside I am cursing him because as much as I want to relax, I know relaxing now will give me more work for later. All because he has stress. *exasperated sigh and an eye roll* Imagine if he was pregnant too...

Ok, that is enough complaining out of me.

Cayley is doing great. She is such a nut and is doing new things left and right. Last night she climbed out of her bath seat. By herself. Crap! (yes, I was there, I am just sad because ever since we got that bath seat from Sassy Auntie Afton bath time has been 100% easier! Now we are back to a wiggly slip sliding Cayley!)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

34 weeks, Cloth Diapers, Pool Party...

By one doctor, I am 34 weeks today.

I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, so hopefully NBS will be in a good position and I can get some good 3D face shots! Right now he is still breach, and bouncing all over my bladder.

I recieved my Diapers and I washed and dried them and started using them on Saturday! I figure it will take a bit to figure out which fold is best on Cayley. I have not had any leaks yet, but I think (judging by the red mark I saw when I took off her diaper) that I put it too tight.

Last night I chickened out and put a disposible on her. Tonight... We're going cloth!

We went to my co worker Scotts house yesterday and had a pool party. My boss took Cayley into the pool naked (I was sooo worried that she would poop!) and omygoodness, we have to move somewhere that has a pool. Cayley was so happy and smiley and laughing while she was in the pool. She loved laying on her back as my boss walked her around the pool. It was so sweet! I forgot my camera, but my boss brought hers, so hopefully she will send me the pictures soon. Scott made pork chops, cheeseburgers, a salad, and a blueberry cobbler. Kelly brought Mac 'n' Cheese, and I brought a Key Lime Pie. I had a really nice time. It was really good timing too because Man Child had the days off this weekend. And let me tell you, Miss Cayley is milking every waking moment (and sleeping one).

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I dream of cloth diapers...

And cigarettes and Dunkin Donuts. Smoking a Newport and drinking an iced coffee while I was looking at really cute cloth diapers for Cayley. Only in my dreams nowadays...

This is the third night in a row that I have dreamt of cloth diapers! I think my fascination turned into obsession has hit a new high. I should receive the starter kits on Friday! I am so excited!

So... In other news...

Miss Cayley can now bending her knees while reaching down to pick stuff up and doing it with out falling. She is still holding onto something though. She is getting braver cruising around the house. She is faster and when she army crawls around I now have to slow jog to keep up with her, lol. She has recently begun to refuse all baby food. Now it is getting a bit scary for me because at least when she was eating some baby food I knew she was getting her vitamins and stuff. Don't get me wrong, she likes ALL regular food, right down to broccoli, but I am still a little bit concerned about her nutrition intake. I guess we will see what happens at her 1 year appointment in regards to her growth and weight.

NBS must be a bony little thing in my uterus. When he moves, it feels so different from what I remember with Cayley! She was a butterball and she did not cause me physical pain when she was moving around in there. This one however... Ouch! I get to see him again at the end of the month!

Man Childs birthday is on Friday and I have no idea (still) what to do for him. I must be a sucky wife because I have absolutely no clue. He tells me he wants a laptop, and I tell him to try again. Poor guy.

Pita is playing with Cayley more and more lately. When Cayley is on the floor Pita is all over her. I love it and hate it at the same time. I love that Pita wants to interact with her now, but I HATE how she licks her! I always end up separating them because I know where Pitas mouth has been. Eww.

14 more days left of work! I still can't believe that I will be staying home! It kinda seems to good to be true. I have a feeling that it won't be lasting very long, but I know that I have plans to save money where ever I can during the month because as long as our bills are paid and Man Child is not feeling a crunch then things should be fine and I can be home. If you have any good ideas let me know!

I will add pictures later this weekend. Cayley will be wearing her first cloth diaper!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Win a Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit (Value $160+)

Ever want to try your hand at cloth diapering?

I myself am considering making a change to cloth diapers when this little one comes along next month. It is a great way to save money and who doesn't want to save money where they can?

Take a look at this:

Win a Bummis Organic Cotton Diaper Kit (Value $160+)

Here is the link!

Good Luck!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Breanna tagged me :)

THE RULES: Mention who tagged you. Complete the list of 8's. Tag 8 other people.

-getting laid off
-having this baby
-dinner (on any given day)
-paying off our car
-Buy a house (in due time)-I second Bre on that one!-
-meeting my inlaws in Mexico
-watching my kids play at the park

-ate dinner
-watched TV
-Played with Cayley
-played with Man Child (LOL)
-cruised the internet
-julianned peppers and onion (pain in the ass, btw!)
-stubbed my toe on the baby swing

-Win the lottery.. (dont we all)(yup, i second that one too Bre!)
-Walk with out losing my breath
-Bend over
-afford a maid to clean my tub
-move into a bigger place
-write a novel
-have tons of babies without financial strain

-Big Love
-United States of Tara
-True Blood
-American Idol
-All shows on Noggin

8 LEAST FAVORITE FOODS: (I changed this. It was Favorite foods, but mine are already listed over there -->)
-Jalepano peppers
-Blue Cheese
-Salsbury Steak

-My Sassy Ladies's Houses
-Puerto Rico


Miss Cayley's 9 month pictures!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

As we approach our third year of marriage…

I can’t help but think, WOW!
I can not believe that Man Child and I are coming up on our three year marriage anniversary. July 25th, 2006. Three years seems like such a long time, but also feels like it was just last week that we stood in that room in the courthouse and promised to love and support each other for the rest of our lives. We have had many ups and downs and there were times I honestly never thought we would make it this far. But here we are, still together and expecting our second child.
Here is the story of us, and how we came to be together.

In September of 2003 I was married to a Puerto Rican ass wipe named Vinny. We had moved to Florida in January of the same year to escape drug problems that he had and to "start over" in order to salvage our marriage. I married him too young, looking for someone to love me(looking back of I know that, but at the time I was "in love") and I was determined not to fail so I was willing to do almost anything to fix our marriage. That included moving 2000+ miles away from where I grew up, turning a blind eye to his extra marital affair, forgiving him after he cleaned out our bank account to support his drug addiction, his abusive behavior towards me. I did not realize at the time that I needed to fix me since I was concentrating so hard to fix Vinny. Don’t get me wrong, he had issues, but the views I had about myself allowed him to treat me and our marriage with disrespect. (Again, hindsight…)
So anyway… In September of 2003 I was working a full time job (overnight shift at a nursing home) and attending college (5pm-9pm). Vinny and I were renting a house with a big back yard, had a car, a pool (I have no idea now why I felt like that was such an accomplishment… It was a piece of crap above ground pool!), a dog, both of us were holding a job… I was starting to feel happier. One night while I was working, my co-worker Maria and I went down stairs to the patio to smoke a cigarette and wait for a friend of hers to come over to talk to her. Her friend shows up and she introduces us. Jorge(better known here as Man Child), this is Caroline, Caroline, my cousin Jorge. He was drunk. And obviously so. Plus he was in the company of another girl. I said hello to them both and excused myself to go do my rounds.
The next day Maria invited me to a soccer game that her husband would be playing in on the upcoming Saturday. She told me she did not want to go alone. Hey, Vinny was going to be working, I was home alone, why not? Saturday comes along and Maria comes to my house to pick me up. As I reach for the handle of the car door, I see roses in the front seat. I think to myself, -Aw! Nicholas (her husband) bought her flowers! That is so sweet! Vinny is such an ass… He never does that stuff for me…- Much to my surprise, as I get in the car, Maria tells me that the flowers are for me!! From her cousin Jorge! Who, mind you, will also be playing in the soccer game… Bitch set me up! (Oh well. Honestly, the attention made me feel wonderful.) She goes on to tell me that Jorge thinks I am pretty, yada, yada… He knows I am married, he knows that I am not really all that happy in my marriage (thanks to Maria for spreading my business), he would like to be my friend. From the look of the ROSES, I knew he really wanted to be more than friends, but he had to start somewhere I guess.
We get to the soccer game and Jorge and Nicholas come over to say hi and I thank him for the flowers (while blushing bright red!). The next thing I know, I have twenty dollars in my hand and he is asking for water. And telling me to get something to drink too. So Maria and I go to 7-11 and get the guys some water, ourselves coffee and hot chocolate and we head back to the game. About twenty minutes into it, I realize that I am the only white person there. And no one is really watching the game, they are all conversing with each other. Boring!! So, I get up and start yelling CINCO! (Jorge’s number) and I clap and cheer for the team. Yeah, all eyes are on me, including Jorge’s, but Maria and a couple of the kids came over after a minute and joined me. It turned out to be pretty fun after that. Of course "our" team won, and the guys wanted to celebrate so we all trip back to Maria’s house. At that point I learned that Jorge lived in the apartment right next door to her, and that they were not technically cousins. Apparently Jorge was new to the USA, and Maria and Nicholas kind of took him under their wing so to speak, showing him the ropes and they had become family. I also learned that he had two jobs and did not really know much English.
I was not able to celebrate with everyone for very long that night because I had to go to work. I talked (more like sign language and writing on a pad of paper in my broken Spanish) to Jorge for a little while before it was time for me to leave and he kissed me on the cheek as I left. (I still have the paper where I wrote down my cell number for him that day.) Later that night, who showed up to my job with food from the party? Yup, he brought me food. I was impressed. And hungry. We "talked" for hours that night. And since he was still there when morning came, he invited me to his house for breakfast. He made me eggs and Chorrizo and coffee. -That is the day that I learned how he likes his coffee. I remember thinking how odd it was that he used regular milk, and it was more like he was drinking milk with a touch of coffee. I went home soon after and he went to work.-
Jorge and I visited with each other at my job almost every night for the next couple of months. Almost every night he brought me and my residents’ food from the Italian restaurant he worked at. And we had breakfast almost every morning. I was getting attached to this guy. I was looking forward seeing him every day. I was beginning to become more and more unhappy in my marriage to Vinny because I was finally seeing that there was something better than what he was giving me out there in the world. I realized that I was having an emotional affair and I started to feel guilty about that too. I considered telling Jorge that we needed to stop spending time together, but on December 6th,2003 a series of events sent my life spiraling into directions I never thought possible.
After work that morning I went to Jorge's house. When I got there, he was standing there with a towel, a t-shirt and boxers. He told me to follow him, and I did, into the bathroom to see that he had drawn me a bath. Complete with bubbles and candles. He told me to go relax and when I got out we would have breakfast. I remember laying there in his tub thinking how wrong, but how right he made me feel. He was always doing kind things for me. I got out of the bath tub and went to find him when I was done dressing. He was in his bedroom. He motioned me to come in, he was going to give me a massage. I was sooo nervous about letting him touch me, but I wanted him to touch me, I wanted that human connection, so I agreed to the massage. I was extremely tense and got goosebumps the second his hands were on my back. (I shiver now just thinking about it!) His hands were on my back, my legs, my arms… He told me to turn over and as I was turning, I felt his mouth on my neck. Then everywhere else. I shall not go into anymore detail except to tell you that I had never in my life felt as alive as I did in that moment and in the hours we spent together that morning.
When Jorge left that afternoon to go to work, I realized that I would have to go home to my husband and either confess to my marital indiscretion, or I’d have to keep it to myself and live with the guilt. Luckily for me, something else happened that day. As I was getting dresses, my cell phone rang. It was a girl that worked at the same place I did, but we worked different shifts so I did not really know her. She asked if I could stop by, that she needed to talk to me. I was literally right down the street, so I headed over. When I met her, she seemed really uneasy. It turned out that she knew my husband. While I was at work, he was trying to get into her pants. I may have felt like a hypocrite for being so angry and hurt if this wasn’t the fourth time that I found out he was going to stray if given the chance, never mind the time that he did cheat on me. Relief swept over me. He had finally given me the out I needed. He had not changed, yet I had. Our marriage was over. This had to be fate.
I went home after explaining to the girl that it was not the first time, and I sincerely appreciated her honesty. I called Maria and asked her to come over. When she got there, I asked if I could stay with her for a little while. I told her what happened (all of it) and she told me that she thought Jorge would want me to stay with him. Well, I was pretty much out of any other options, so I went with her suggestion. I left Vinny a short note telling him that I knew about the girl from my job and that I was leaving and would be filing for a divorce. When Maria and I got to the apartments, she used her copy of his key to let me in and helped me bring all my stuff in. We stored it in his second bedroom and waited for him to come home from work. When his car pulled up she went outside to talk to him and I sat in his kitchen and waited. I melted when he came into the house with a huge smile on his face and came right over to me and held me for what seemed like forever.
So December 6th, 2003 is the day that Man Child and I consider to be the day that we became a couple. This relationship has not been easy by any means, but I plan on posting some of our ups and downs later. We learn and grow from everything we experience and I hope that the ups become more frequent and the downs less serious.