I have an ultrasound on Tuesday, so hopefully NBS will be in a good position and I can get some good 3D face shots! Right now he is still breach, and bouncing all over my bladder.
I recieved my Diapers and I washed and dried them and started using them on Saturday! I figure it will take a bit to figure out which fold is best on Cayley. I have not had any leaks yet, but I think (judging by the red mark I saw when I took off her diaper) that I put it too tight.
We went to my co worker Scotts house yesterday and had a pool party. My boss took Cayley into the pool naked (I was sooo worried that she would poop!) and omygoodness, we have to move somewhere that has a pool. Cayley was so happy and smiley and laughing while she was in the pool. She loved laying on her back as my boss walked her around the pool. It was so sweet! I forgot my camera, but my boss brought hers, so hopefully she will send me the pictures soon. Scott made pork chops, cheeseburgers, a salad, and a blueberry cobbler. Kelly brought Mac 'n' Cheese, and I brought a Key Lime Pie. I had a really nice time. It was really good timing too because Man Child had the days off this weekend. And let me tell you, Miss Cayley is milking every waking moment (and sleeping one).

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