On Tuesday we saw NBS! Man Child came with me and met "my" ultrasound tech Randi. She is so awesome. Anyway, NBS is measuring perfectly and is estimated to weight 5 lbs, 9 oz. He of course did not want to cooperate enough to give is a good face shot, or a gender shot for that matter, but we did see him practice breathing and Man Child got to see him moving around. He is still breech and now that I am over 34 weeks I am starting to get concerned about his position. I have visited the spinbaby website and plan on using some of their tips to try to get this baby turned around. I will also try for a Version if I have to. I have to go to the Peri-natalogist weekly now for growth scans due to my GD. The Doctor did tell me however that the baby is right on track and that my sugars are damn near perfect... Oh well. I get to see NBS every week until he decided to come out, so I am really not complaining.
This morning I received a text from Man Child that says " Mami, te amo. Perdoname por todo". Okay... So I text him back, "I love you too. What did you do? I am not mad at you..?" He calls me about fifteen minutes later and asks me if I understood his message. I told him yeah, but why did he send it? He tells me that he is sorry for everything. He knows that he has been bitchy because of the stress he has from work and his family and when he unloads it on me it is unfair. He knows that he should be helping out more but even as he watches me clean, cook, take care of Cayley, work a full time job, carry around this massive belly, when the stress hits him he can not move. He feels drunk and has no energy. He then told me that he is very lucky to have me. That he is thankful that I support him and put up with his shit. That he will try harder to channel his stress elsewhere. (I can only hope...)
This text and conversation comes at a great time because last night I was at my wits end with him. I hate how he tells me that our room is cluttered, but it is all his shit that is everywhere! Or when I finally have enough of THAT complaint so I put things away and now he can't find anything because it is not where he put it. I spent my night last night cooking dinner, unloading our old dressers, loading the new ones, feed Cayley, gave her bath, put her to bed, washed the bottles, did laundry, and organized our room. What did he do? He moved the furniture, ate dinner, talked to his friend for a few minutes, and then fell asleep on the couch. When I was finally done it was almost 12 am, he decides to go to bed. Well, now that I can relax, I want to watch a bit of TV until I fall asleep. No, the frikken tv was too loud for him. *sigh* How can I not resent him at this point?
I know stress effects everyone differently, but I am getting really frustrated with the stress excuse. I can be pretty damn understanding and supportive, but I am tired. And I am sore. And I am hot. What would happen if I went to sleep and left everything that needs to be done to Man Child? I would wake up to the same shit plus new shit. I have already learned that. So when he tells me that I need to relax, I agree with him out loud, but inside I am cursing him because as much as I want to relax, I know relaxing now will give me more work for later. All because he has stress. *exasperated sigh and an eye roll* Imagine if he was pregnant too...
Ok, that is enough complaining out of me.
Cayley is doing great. She is such a nut and is doing new things left and right. Last night she climbed out of her bath seat. By herself. Crap! (yes, I was there, I am just sad because ever since we got that bath seat from Sassy Auntie Afton bath time has been 100% easier! Now we are back to a wiggly slip sliding Cayley!)
Picture update.
13 years ago
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