And cigarettes and Dunkin Donuts. Smoking a Newport and drinking an iced coffee while I was looking at really cute cloth diapers for Cayley. Only in my dreams nowadays...
This is the third night in a row that I have dreamt of cloth diapers! I think my fascination turned into obsession has hit a new high. I should receive the starter kits on Friday! I am so excited!
So... In other news...
Miss Cayley can now bending her knees while reaching down to pick stuff up and doing it with out falling. She is still holding onto something though. She is getting braver cruising around the house. She is faster and when she army crawls around I now have to slow jog to keep up with her, lol. She has recently begun to refuse all baby food. Now it is getting a bit scary for me because at least when she was eating some baby food I knew she was getting her vitamins and stuff. Don't get me wrong, she likes ALL regular food, right down to broccoli, but I am still a little bit concerned about her nutrition intake. I guess we will see what happens at her 1 year appointment in regards to her growth and weight.
NBS must be a bony little thing in my uterus. When he moves, it feels so different from what I remember with Cayley! She was a butterball and she did not cause me physical pain when she was moving around in there. This one however... Ouch! I get to see him again at the end of the month!
Man Childs birthday is on Friday and I have no idea (still) what to do for him. I must be a sucky wife because I have absolutely no clue. He tells me he wants a laptop, and I tell him to try again. Poor guy.
Pita is playing with Cayley more and more lately. When Cayley is on the floor Pita is all over her. I love it and hate it at the same time. I love that Pita wants to interact with her now, but I HATE how she licks her! I always end up separating them because I know where Pitas mouth has been. Eww.
14 more days left of work! I still can't believe that I will be staying home! It kinda seems to good to be true. I have a feeling that it won't be lasting very long, but I know that I have plans to save money where ever I can during the month because as long as our bills are paid and Man Child is not feeling a crunch then things should be fine and I can be home. If you have any good ideas let me know!
I will add pictures later this weekend. Cayley will be wearing her first cloth diaper!!
Picture update.
13 years ago
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