Do I have commitment issues? Apparently so. This is the second week that I did not have my Busy Moms entry up on time. Well, at all really… I am sorry everyone. I am going to do better!
This past week:
Man Child has been acting like a yoyo… Super sweet and romantic one moment and the next moment he’s a friken jackass… I don’t know what his problem is but he better get over what ever it is.
Cayley cut her first tooth and had her 6 month appointme(waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!) and pictures done. She also had an InfantSee exam, and I highly recommend that everyone with a child under 1 year old participate in this FREE service. Just visit to find an optometrist in your area that participates. Just remember : IT IS FREE!!!! This eye doctor saw that Cayley has an Astigmatism in both of her eyes (just like Man Child). We need to bring her back around three years old to re-evaluate. I started her on solid foods with meat this weekend as well. She does not like Chicken and Rice but tolerates the Turkey and Rice. I am excited to feed her the Mac ‘n’ Cheese baby food… Lord knows she lived on mac ‘n’ cheese while in the womb! She is sitting up without wobbeling or falling over, and she is trying REALLY hard to crawl. I estimate that within the next two weeks I will have a crawler. I also think that she is starting this separation anxiety business. I will give it a few more days to be sure though.
My brother arrived last night from NY and he will be here for a week. I haven’t seen him in years and years, and he is super funny, so this is going to be a great week!!
I am still trying to figure out Cayley’s new car seat. Now I can not find the owners manual so it is still sitting in my van and is starting to accumulate toys and clothing… At least my van is working. Thank you higher powers!!
Work is picking up so I have less time to mess around online and my days are passing by very quickly. I would like to get into some kind of Saturday morning mommy/baby activity, so I am going to be working on that.
Oh- NBS is about the length of a Bell Pepper! Time is flying! I did the blood work for the second part of the First Trimester screening and the results should be sent to my OB next week. Then I have an ultrasound in March.
I guess that is it for now.
Picture update.
13 years ago