I had my monthly OB appointment this morning. 16 weeks, 2days. I am up two pounds this month putting me at a total of 10 pounds gained. :O (when I left I realized that the car keys were in my pocket. I am sure that add a pound) They told me to pee in a cup, so I went into the bathroom and pee'd, but forgot to grab a cup. (LMAO ,this is not the first time.) Two nurses tried to find NBS's heartbeat, but finally my doctor came in and literally in two seconds she found the heartbeat. 153. They told her they couldn't find the heartbeat and she ran in the room in a panic. She saw me and I swear it looked like she was ready to cry. She thought I was another patient that was there this morning who is 35 weeks along. She was freaking out. We talked for awhile and she gave me a script to get some bloodwork done to check my Bile Acids. I have been itching for the past 5 days and she said it could be normal, but we need to check my liver function just in case since I have no rash. (thanks again April for the Sarna recomendation! It really takes the edge off!) I have an appointment on 3/12, and records show that I was there last year on 3/11/08 for my pregnancy with Cayley. :) Oh yeah! The second part of my First Trimester Screening is next friday. (while I am well into the second trimester. Go figure!)
As for Cayley... She woke up on Tuesday with crusty red eyes. She started drops for pink eye that night and she woke up looking considerably better on Wednesday. She needs the drops three times a day in both eyes until Sunday. I am getting much better at giving her the drops too. Last night I layed her on my bed, turned on Wonder Pets, gave her a bottle and while she was distracted dropped a drop in her eye. She didn't cry or fuss really, but as soon as she was distracted again, I put in another drop. When all four were in I gave her a lick of my icecream. This morning was the same routine, except she got some of daddy's bagel when we were done with the drops.
It is 10 am and I have already eaten my lunch. I have been bringing my lunch as to not spend money I do not have anyways, but today I am going to have to raid Ms. Piggy and find something around here to eat. I'm not broken up about it though. ;)
USA won the soccer game last night 2 to 0!!!
Picture update.
13 years ago
YAY! I love to hear about your appts! Since I no longer will have babies, I will be living through you =) congrats on 16 weeks!
I love hearing about your appointments too :) I was just going to ask about the new baby on the board. Glad things are going well (except for the itching). I can't wait to find out if NBS is a boy or girl!
Oh and I can't believe you're 16 weeks! My goodness time is FLYING!
i had to come back to say, I love looking at the squirrel LOL!!!
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