They’ve been missing for a while, so I was just wondering if they have shown up anywhere near you.
Last night I re-installed Windows Vista on my computer. The tech at Circuit City had me convinced that this is the only way I could get it working properly because I must have some kind of spyware that is not being detected with the program that I have. Well, in my haste to get the computer working, I forgot to remember that I would lose my pictures and videos. I remembered the music files would be lost… I am such a dumbass. *sigh* I know I saved a lot of pictures on MySpace and Photobucket, but there are two videos in particular that are lost forever that I am sad about. This will teach me to back up my hard drive and save my videos and pictures to disc!!
Tonight I am going to get my taxes done. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! Please!!!! I am having Man Child stay home with Cayley while I do this. I want to have enough uninterrupted time with the tax person to go thru all the available tax breaks. I have to be responsible and catch up on bills and what not and have enough left over to visit my West Coast Sassy Sisters. Cross your fingers!
Picture update.
13 years ago
cant wait till you come out this way!!!
im sorry about the video :(
Call a prof computer geek and ask if they can retrieve it, it must live on your hard drive still, you just might have to pay a pretty penny to get it. Good luck with that!!
I know, I am still planning on going to see you guys too, how exciting!!
I love your opening on your blog, that sounded like me!!
I hope you have a better week!
I'm sorry sweetie. Did you check your camera to make sure its not on there somewhere? And I hope you get lotsa money back!!
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